A new look & feel for our hosted pages

Today we have some very exciting news for you: we’re releasing a new version of our Look & Feel editor.
Here’s what it can do:

Your existing UIs haven’t changed, but when you visit the PropelAuth dashboard, you’ll have the option to upgrade. When you upgrade, you get:
- Layout options: split screen, frameless and framed
- Custom gradient or image backgrounds
- Font customization options
- Lots of small improvements based on your feedback!
This is just the beginning…
We know that some of you want to fully build your signup, login and user management pages on top of PropelAuth. This is in the works now, starting with the profile and organization management pages. Keep an eye out for announcements in the coming weeks!
Share what you’ve built
We’re excited to see all of your creations as you experiment with our new look & feel pages, as well as showcase your designs. Send your login pages into showcase@propelauth.com or post on social media and tag us (PropelAuth on both Linkedin and Twitter), and we’ll share with our audience.