Build a waitlist before you launch

Start collecting email addresses with PropelAuth to make onboarding easier - your future self will thank you.

App screenshot

Easy set up

Your waitlist can be anywhere on your marketing site - just send your user's info to our APIs. You can also choose to collect more than just email - use PropelAuth user properties to collect first name, last name and username.

Screenshots of the product
Screenshots of the product

Watch your waitlist grow

Grow your waitlist as large as you'd like - no charge for waitlist users.

Set up Slack notifications so you always know who's being added to your waitlist and celebrate appropriately. We recommend emoji reactions at a minimum.

Smooth onboarding

Onboarding waitlist users to your product is as easy as a click of a button. We'll handle sending them an invitation and collecting any other information you need.

Screenshots of the product

Ready to get started?

PropelAuth is here to reduce your roadmap and get you launched faster. Sign up today to learn more!